pay down的用法与搭配
即时支付,付定金, (分期付款等)付额款
1. 即时交付,用现金支付
2. 实时付款
3. (分期付款)付头款
4. 当场支付
5. 用现金支付
6. 付头款
7. 付现款
- Should banks be forced to pay down your mortgage ?
- 银行应被强迫偿还您的贷款?
- The turnabout is problematic because local chinese governments were supposed to sell municipal bonds to raise much-needed cash to pay down debts .
- 这一政策转变存在着问题,因为地方政府应当出售市政公债以募集急缺自己支付债务。
- How much did he pay down on the bicycle ?
- 他买那辆自行车时付了多少定金?
- Then in times of low unemployment governments should pay down the resultant debt .
- 而在低失业率时期,政府应该归还因此欠下的债务。
- Austerity is self-defeating : when everyone tries to pay down debt at the same time the result is depression and deflation and debt problems grow even worse .
- 财政紧缩是自杀式的措施:同一时间大家都设法还清债务时,其结果必然是经济低迷和通货紧缩,债务问题变得更加严重。
- We still need to do more to put americans back to work while also putting this country on a path to pay down its debt .
- 我们仍需要做得更多来让更多的国人重返他们的工作同时让国家走上偿还债务的道路上。
- He agreed to raise 330m to pay down debt by june 2014 through selling bits of the company .
- 他同意通过销售部分公司筹集3.3亿英镑,到2014年6月偿还债务。
- If consumers seek to pay down debt in response to falling house prices spending will suffer especially with unemployment creeping up .
- 如果消费者对房价下降的反应是多偿付房贷的话,那么消费就会受到影响,特别是失业率开始上升。
- How much shall I pay down on the car ?
- 我买这车得先付多少?
- In an ideal world these firms would issue shares to pay down debt .
- 在理想的情况下,这些公司可以发行股票来偿还债务。